Looking for some more games like The Sims ? We've got you covered. Growing Together launches on March 16th on all platforms, and can be pre-ordered from the EA store (opens in new tab) for £34.99 / US$39.99. knitting baby clothes if you have Nifty Knitting

Outdoor Playtime Digital Content Help your parent and child Sims live fun and active lives with a swing set, toddler slide, and infant carrier available when you order through April 27. Select whether a Sim can produce milk or not in Create-A-Sim Purchase The Sims 4 Growing Together Expansion Pack through April 27 to get bonus items for children, toddlers, and parents to enjoy."Have Science baby" two Sims who are at least friends, no matter their gender, can have a baby together (no pregnancy involved, just select the interaction and the baby will arrive).Nursery items: bassinets, toys, llamas, sensory toys, baby gates.Social compatibility influenced by likes, dislikes, and personality traits displayed as puzzle piece icons in the friends panel.New interactions between adults and children, including teaching them to ride a bike and giving grandchildren some treats.Lifetime milestones and unlockable rewards.Back harnesses to carry your infant around with you for easier caregiving.