
Msvcr110.dll fehlt watch dogs 2
Msvcr110.dll fehlt watch dogs 2

msvcr110.dll fehlt watch dogs 2

Upon further review, I downloaded the Ghost Recon: Wildlands Beta - which for the user up near the top of this thread mentioned in relation to the i5 - and this game can run on an i3. I have no use or patience or sympathy for devs whose bottom line has shifted from making customers happy to making shareholders and execs happy and lettng things like quarterly earnings dictate whether or not a game gets released to early and buggy or missing features just so they can release it in time to include sales in a certain quarter so that the execs get their max quartlerly bonus and the stock figures look good on paper exe, i can see why they didnt do it before launch so they could meet the release date, but theres no reason not to patch it in afterwards like nomans sky and phantom pain and mafia 3 and far cry 3, im not spending money i dont need to when my computer runs things just fine and the argument of that cpu is so old is moot, it performs fine, that argument is invalid and the fact that all those games i just mentioned added it in afterwards along with other games i didnt list proves it soĪnd the fact that the phenom cpu was listed as min requirement up until a few months before launch shows that they had every intentin of supporting it and probably even started coding support for it, and its also a great big middle finger to the phenom users who preordered based on those specs, Sorry but im not going out and spending $300 on a cpu/mobo combo and rebuilding my computer for the only game out there that refused to support a noticeable chunk of their potential customers by coding some sse and ssse support into their. net redists installedĮither way tho they got lazy and chose not to spend another day of coding to offer older cpu support, the nomanssky team programmed support for old cpu's into the game after launch in a day and a half with a team of only 15 people, also the min specs listed different cpu's a few months before launch, they supported phenom cpu's and then dropped them to save a few dozen man hours and alienate customers and probably lose between 10to20% more sales they also changed the supported gpu's when the game launched, the min gpu used to be the 7870 and they changed it the r9 270 at launch, i know the phenoms and older intels are getting up there in age but they play any game today just fine and as far as i know this is the only game that does not support the phenom processor, a few other games did at launch but they realized that spending a few days to code support into their game after launch and making 10's of thousand of customers happy and increasing sales by at least 10% more is worth far more than paying some coders a few days of overtime. Did you tru installing the redists, i think msvcr110.dll errors usually happen when you dont have the proper.

Msvcr110.dll fehlt watch dogs 2